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Stone Kingdom Ministries
CDC Finally Admits Cloth Masks Were Always Political Theater March 3, 2022 Health & COVID & Current Events (Suddenly—no masks!) Just in time for Joe Biden’s State of the Union address/debacle, came the discovery by the CDC that masks are no longer UK Joins US, EU in Sanctioning Russia’s Central Bank March 1, 2022 Current Events We had heard from internet sources (non-MSM, non-BM) perhaps five or six years ago that Putin had kicked the Rothschild’s and their central bank out Trudeau Backs Down After Banks Scream about Massive Withdrawals February 25, 2022 Current Events & Politics Remember when Canadian Prime Minister Justin “Castro” Trudeau declared a national state of emergency (the Emergencies Act) just a few days ago as he Both science and public health are broken February 17, 2022 Current Events & Health & Science As I began to put this post together, I began searching for where I had previously posted about Dr. Kulldorff and the Great Barrington Declaration. The English Channeler, part 4: CERN’s Alice and Atlas December 17, 2021 Trump & Quantum & English Channeler & Starlink & CERN To save myself time in having to repeat and summarize, here is a link to part 3 of The English Channeler. If you looked closely at the aerial view The light at the end of the Covid December 16, 2021 Health & COVID I have a few comments at the end of this encouraging opinion piece by Alex Berenson. Here is a photo of Berenson. QUOTE: One way or another, the The English Channeler, part 3: CERN December 15, 2021 Trump & Quantum & English Channeler & Starlink & CERN For a new reader coming across this writing, it would be very helpful for you to have first read part 1 (Dec. 6) and part 2 (Dec. 7) in this series. The English Channeler, part 2 December 7, 2021 Trump & Quantum & English Channeler & Starlink Funny how one can read over one’s writing numerous times and never see an obvious error. That’s where proofreaders are very helpful, but alas, I do The English Channeler (pun intended) December 6, 2021 Trump & Quantum & English Channeler & Starlink This will be a lesson in Christian spiritual discernment. Given the ubiquity of the internet, we are all flooded at all times, with information of Georgia Guidestones - World War III goals etched in granite! December 1, 2021 Mystery Babylon & Red Pill We are at war! I mean that literally. Millions are now awakening to that truth, but millions more are only now beginning to stir. The war is global Trip Report and Related Ideas October 3, 2021 Updates & Red Pill In mid-July, I made a trip to Rhinelander, Wisconsin, to join with a small group of men and women who had been in close fellowship with Doug Evers Andrea Bocelli’s tribute to his mother October 3, 2021 Current Events With all the alarming news coming forth in a flood these days, let us turn to something beautiful. Do you like opera music? If not, it might be For Sunday brunch I had a poison ivy sandwich May 18, 2021 Health & Poison Ivy Last week I told you of my experience with eating bee pollen and how it builds one’s own natural immunity to “seasonal allergens.” I find that I do Chapter 20—part 4 - Latter-day Israel is a flame and a fire October 23, 2020 MBSK & Mystery Babylon & Teaching We are still analyzing the term “ancient of days.” It is found in only three places and all three are in Daniel 7. We left off in the middle of this Chapter 20—part 3 - Throne on wheels with a fiery flame October 22, 2020 MBSK & Mystery Babylon & Teaching For several chapters now, we have been expounding how the Bible prophesies the rise of the Stone Kingdom. Most recently, we are providing an Chapter 20—part 2 - The Judgment of Uncle Same October 21, 2020 MBSK & Mystery Babylon & Teaching We are in the midst of lecture #20. Beginning with chapter/lecture #17, we have been tracing and expounding the rise of the Stone Kingdom (although Chapter 20—part 1 - Rise of the Stone Kingdom (continued) October 20, 2020 MBSK & Mystery Babylon & Teaching Hello, again! For the record, this lecture was initially presented October 8th, 2011 at the Stone Kingdom Bible Conference held in St. Louis, Chapter 19—part 2 - USA—The “top of the mountains” October 16, 2020 MBSK & Mystery Babylon & Teaching We begin today exactly where we left off in the part 58. To begin to explain my understanding of the stone and the kingdom, look at Daniel 2:44 once Chapter 19—part 2 - USA—The “top of the mountains” October 15, 2020 MBSK & Mystery Babylon & Teaching Hello, again! Picking up exactly where we left off… I was offering a suggestion that if the reader finds someone who is willing to look at an Chapter 19—Part 1 - Thrones were cast down October 14, 2020 MBSK & Mystery Babylon & Teaching Alright, class, welcome to chapter-lecture #19 in our Mystery Babylon and the Stone Kingdom series. Let us begin again in Daniel, chapter 2. You are Chapter 18—Who or what is the “ancient of days?” October 13, 2020 MBSK & Mystery Babylon & Teaching Welcome back! To reset the stage, I had stated: Now I know that one of the first objections someone will set forth is: “Well, if America is the Chapter 18—America fulfills prophecies in the book of Micah, part 2 October 12, 2020 MBSK & Mystery Babylon & Teaching As we continue explaining the rise of the Stone Kingdom in America, we are showing the fulfillment of certain prophecies in America. We left off in Chapter 18—America fulfills prophecies in the book of Micah, part 1 October 9, 2020 MBSK & Mystery Babylon & Teaching Two lectures back we began to trace the rise of financial Babylon. This dealt with the fact that religious Babylon has been supplanted by the What I did for poison ivy October 7, 2020 Articles & Health & Poison Ivy It has been ten days now, so I am very confident in sharing this personal testimony with you. When I was a child growing up on a farm in Chapter 17—The Rise of the Stone Kingdom, Part 3 October 6, 2020 MBSK & Mystery Babylon & Teaching We are in the middle of a discussion triggered by Jesus’ words to the leaders of the Jewish nation, when He said to them… Matthew 21:43 Therefore Chapter 17—The Rise of the Stone Kingdom, Part 2 October 5, 2020 MBSK & Mystery Babylon & Teaching Welcome back! We left off as we were demonstrating that, contrary to what most Christians might think, the primary focus of Jesus’ 3½ years of Chapter 17—The Rise of the Stone Kingdom, Part 1 October 1, 2020 MBSK & Mystery Babylon & Teaching This is chapter / lecture # 17 in our series entitled Mystery Babylon and the Stone Kingdom. In our previous lecture, we were pursuing two lines of Chapter 16—The Rise of Financial Babylon, Part 3 September 28, 2020 MBSK & Mystery Babylon & Teaching We saw the prophecy through Isaac concerning his sons, Jacob and Esau, that the elder (Esau) would serve the younger (Jacob). The birthright came to Chapter 16—The Rise of Financial Babylon, Part 2 September 25, 2020 MBSK & Mystery Babylon & Teaching At about the midpoint of the previous installment, I stated that I must now do some extensive biblical and historical review in order for my readers Chapter 16—The Rise of Financial Babylon, Part 1 September 24, 2020 MBSK & Mystery Babylon & Teaching This is chapter/lecture #16 in our series entitled Mystery Babylon and the Stone Kingdom. Within the previous two lectures (and certainly not to Next page