
A Prelude about biblical works” and the censure of Senator Tom Tillis (R-NC)


For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also. (James 2:26)

There is no conflict between what Paul taught and what James here declares. They harmonize perfectly when properly understood. We expounded upon this many years ago, but it is not our purpose here in this short treatise to repeat all that.

We mention this to demonstrate that it is a biblical injunction that Christians must be involved in works.” What did James mean by works?” Did he mean only spiritual” things such as prayer, fasting, worship, almsgiving/tithing, helping the needy, etc.

Certainly those are all admirable works and part of the answer, but let us not overlook the practical works” of government. Believers must be involved in government, lest when Christians abandon their responsibilities in any level of government, then we can expect wicked and evil men (and women) to fill the vacuum.

Soon, we have government run amok. Trashville, formerly known as Asheville, is a prime example: it’s a Faux Joe Bidan (misspelling deliberate) administration at the city level! When government runs amok, then it becomes more difficult and even dangerous for godly people to speak truth to power.”

The Left would like to claim that dictum as their own and then signal their supposedly virtuous works by speaking truth to power.” But their motives are transparent to those paying attention, for whenever they claim to speak truth to power” you can be sure they are seeking to establish their agenda—Roe v. Wade being a prominent example.

With all the foregoing in mind, consider how this array of biblical characters were involved in government and/or had a mission and responsibility to speak truth to power in their era:

Abraham, Moses, Aaron, Joshua, all the judges, Samuel, David, Nathan, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel, Peter, Paul, James, Joseph of Arimathea, Nicodemus, Martin Luther, John Calvin, John Knox (and countless other men of the Reformation)… and oh, yes, there was Jesus!

Readers can no doubt add dozens more to the above list, but that is more than sufficient to make our point, which we shall now explain. For the record, we do not truly believe that we have any participants presently in our Mighty Network to whom this applies.

However, on our main website blog section, which is open to the world, there may be numerous casual browsers who presently have the attitude that either

/(1) we don’t have to worry about government because Jesus is coming back soon and we are going to be raptured out of this mess, etc. And thus they sit on their Democrats (think: symbol of the D. Party 😉) and do nothing.

Or (2) Christians should never be involved in worldly” things such as serving in the military or in any way involved in government. This is the position of the Jehovah’s Witnesses, as far as we are aware—and we have studied their doctrines to a great extent, but it’s been some years ago.

The mind control in that cult is so powerful that it usually captures them for life (I know some). But a massive move of the Holy Spirit sweeping across our nation is going to awaken many of them and their blinders shall fall off, the veil will be lifted—halleluYah!

The foregoing prelude to this essay is for the purpose of shortstopping any criticism of the fact that we are now going to present to you a report on our political” activities this past Saturday.

But in our perspective, it is part of works.” As James also stated, But someone will say, You have faith and I have works.” Show me your faith apart from your works, and I by my works will show you my faith. (NRS James 2:18)

We have stated in these essays previously that we are seeking first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness. (Matthew 6:33)

But how do we do that? One of the ways is by following the patterns given to us. Because just as Moses, Aaron, and Joshua were the means by which God led the ancient Israelites out of Egypt and into the Promised Land, so we perceive that He is leading us out of modern Egypt” and into the Kingdom by way of certain leaders and via a return to the Constitution, as a stepping stone into the Stone Kingdom of King Jesus.

Then, too, lest I myself be accused of staying in my lofty tower (my office) and preaching” to others what they should do (the barber who needs a haircut principle), we share from time to time regarding our own personal activities… not to brag, for one does not boast about fulfilling the work that it expected of them. The political-Kingdom work is tiring work, yet it is rewarding on many levels.

Furthermore, we share these political” reports (shall we call them reports of the incipient Stone Kingdom?”) to encourage and inspire readers to become involved in your own communities.

Because usually, that which we share about our town, county, and state is also happening all over our once great nation. The enemies of God and His righteousness have come in like a flood and have infiltrated and corrupted all institutions in our society.

As Elijah pleaded with Israel in his era, And Elijah came unto all the people, and said, How long halt ye between two opinions? if the LORD [Yahweh] be God, follow him: but if Baal, then follow him. And the people answered him not a word. (1 Kings 18:21)

Sad, isn’t it? The people answered him not a word. It seems that to a great extent, we are again at that point in our era. But the remnant have answered…by their works! They (we and you) have chosen whom we will serve (by our works).

Therefore, here is our report. This past Saturday, we attended the annual convention of our county’s Republican Party. The present Chair was stepping down, as were most all the officers. They had done really fine work, and it seems we have an energetic and determined new batch of board members.

Censure of Senator Tom Tillis

(Sen. Thomas Tillis, official photo)

Although there is much to report on the convention, we shall limit this essay to a Resolution passed unanimously by the members of the convention—there were roughly 200 in attendance! We have one of the strongest and most conservative counties of the 100 in North Carolina.

The Master of Ceremonies of the convention was State Senator (and our former NC Statehouse Representative), Tim Moffitt. As Tim related when he brought the following Resolution to the floor, he served with Tillis when Tim was in the NC House and Tillis was the Speaker of the House in NC.

(State Sen. Tim Moffitt, official photo)

He stated that he and other conservative members of the NC House had to continually hold his feet to the fire” (our words) in order to accomplish the excellent record in the NC state government in the years prior to the Dems taking back the governor’s office in 2016 when the radical Dem, Roy Cooper, defeated incumbent Gov. Pat McCrory.

As Sen. Moffitt put it, Tom Tillis, then used that conservative record to get elected as our current U. S. Senator. Tillis has lost his way,” lamented Sen. Moffitt. He noted how it’s easy to be a principled Constitutional conservative when the Republicans are in the minority. But when the Republicans have the numbers and the power, then let’s see what our Representatives and Senators actually do.

We have observed Sen. Tillis following the pattern of countless other RINOs (Republican In Name Only) from all over the USA, who go to D. C. thinking it’s going to be a hot tub, and they soon realize they are treading water or sinking in a filthy cesspool.

Here are a few excerpts from the full-page Resolution to Censure Senator Tillis:

QUOTE: Whereas Senator Thomas Tillis, United States Senator of North Carolina, has indicated a willingness to provide amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants [in agreement with Senator Lindsey Graham (RINO-SC)—JWB], thereby encouraging even more illegal immigration, jeopardizing American lives and jobs, and circumventing the rule of law: END QUOTE

And then follows the enumeration of eight further examples (out of many which could be adduced) giving evidence of Senator Tillis’ surrender to the cesspool, each example of which would make a critical-thinking citizen of NC or the USA become infused with the fury of righteous indignation! It concludes with the following:

QUOTE: And whereas Senator Tillis’ voting record is not in keeping with the GOP Platform, now therefore be it resolved that:

  • The Henderson County GOP hereby censures Senator Thomas Tillis in his role as Senator from North Carolina, and
  • Senator Tillis be informed of this action by both registered mail and publication on the Henderson County Republican County website, and
  • The Henderson County GOP requests that [U.S. Congressional—JWB] District 11 of the North Carolina Republican Party call for a vote of censure of Senator Tillis at it’s [sic] April 2023 Convention, and
  • The Henderson County Republican Party requests District 11 to forward a motion to the North Carolina State Republican party that Senator Tillis be censured by the North Carolina State Republican Party at the State GOP Convention.

Our new U. S. Representative, Chuck Edwards, addressed the gathering briefly, and he and I had a chance to say hello again. I had just spoken to him the previous Saturday as he was the featured speaker at our Henderson County Men’s Republican Club luncheon.

(Outgoing County GOP Chair, Sharon Brooks–a delightful lady–being overcome with emotion as she is presented with a scrapbook of memorable moments in her two-year office. Presented by newly-elected Secretary Mary Ray, with a bouquet to be presented by Dina Moffitt, Legislative Aide to her husband, Tim Moffitt, holding camera on right. Photo by James Bruggeman.)

The NC State Chairman, Michael Whatley, also spoke at our convention Saturday. It is nearly a certainty that the NC State Republican Party will do as requested, because it was also reported that 62 of the 100 counties in NC have already passed the same (or similar) resolutions, and those remaining have not yet had their county conventions and many if not all are expected to follow suit.

This does not mean that Sen. Tillis will be forced to resign. That may not even be desirable because the radical Leftist Gov. Roy Cooper would then be appointing someone to fill the vacancy, and thus give that incumbent a leg up in the next election for Tillis’ office—we don’t want that to happen!

But it does signal to Tillis that he will probably not have the proverbial snowball’s chance of winning re-election.

Saturday was a good day for the incipient Kingdom of God! We welcome you to send us an email (StoneKingdom@charter.net) and tell us what is happening in your area.


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