
Our hope springs eternal—buoyed by the new Speaker of the House

Remember when Nancy Pelosi was Speaker of the House? Nasty Nancy had told many people that she would become President. Her plan was to fully embrace the Byden (misspellings deliberate—JWB) presidency with her goal being to use the 25th Amendment or some other contrivance to have him removed at the proper time.

Part B of her plan was to be fully supportive of Harris as his VP because fancy Nancy had the goods” on Kamala’s lack of qualification for the Presidency due to lack of Constitutional birth status.

Thus, when Bidan would be removed and Harris found to be ineligible—voila! Nasty Nancy, as Speaker of the House, would become President. But God was merciful to us. The 2022 midterms saw Nancy and her Democrat Party relegated to the minority in the House.

We then saw RINO Kevin McCarthy, Nancy’s fellow Californian, become Speaker. We knew it would be rough for the Republicans when Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz and nine fellow Republicans succeeded in ousting McCarthy for failing to abide by his agreements to attain the Speakership in the first place.

Meanwhile, as the Republican caucus struggled for weeks to find a candidate to rally around, one silver lining was that no funding bills could get passed. That put a real dent in the Maytag” in the Ukraine and elsewhere.

The Maytag is the money machine (money laundering) whereby billions are sent to help Ukraine” with much of it being Maytagged in Ukraine (thanks to Sam Bankman-Fried and other cut-outs) with huge portions of the U.S. financial aid packages finding their way back into the Dems’ and RINOs secret bank accounts. So that all came to a halt while the House was Speakerless.

Against that backdrop, we now find the House with Speaker Mike Johnson. We knew little about him except that he was very strongly pro-life, was conservative, and was one of the Congress members who had defended President Trump in the impeachment trials.

Moreover, Johnson has consistently allied himself strongly with Trump and his agenda. And yet, he gained unanimous support of the Republican caucus (with one absent) in the roll call vote which gave him the gavel of the House. How did that happen? Hmmm…

The truth is that we could say that the House is now in control of a MAGA-man, you know, those MAGA people whom Faux Joe Buyden has labeled extremists and terrorists and the greatest danger to democracy.

I love it when we hear the Dems (and assorted other socialist-communists) refer to liberty-loving Americans as a threat to our democracy.” They speak the truth (for once). Because we are a threat to their democracy. And likewise, they are a threat to our republic!

America was founded as a republic, not a democracy. We have taught about that at length in the first three chapters of our series, Mystery Babylon and the Stone Kingdom. That fundamental difference is critical to understand. (DYOH—Do your own homework, and you can start here with Chapter 1, part 1.)

Conversely, it is highly annoying to hear even conservatives” referring to our democracy,” even when they know better because we have heard them on other occasions making the point that we are supposed to be a republic.

Another reason we are buoyed by the election of Johnson is that over the weekend, we heard one report that Congressman Mike Johnson’s wealth” is among the lowest of all 535 members of the House and Senate combined.

In fact, Johnson has a negative net worth! That can mean that either he is way over his head in debt and probably lives lavishly—which we do not believe at all, and have seen no accusations of him being a financial derelict.

(Official photo from Congressman Mike Johnson’s website)

Or it means that Mr. Johnson—unlike many other Dems and Republicans—is not using his office to become personally wealthy. This, we believe, is the truth (based on the article below, and other similar stories in the news recently.

Of course, a third possibility is that Speaker Johnson has two sets of books, one showing his poverty, and the other has the truth about one or more secret bank accounts where he has stashed millions. Again, we wholly reject that, and are encouraged by what we see thus far about the new Speaker.

All emphases and comments within [brackets] in the excerpts from the follow article are ours. This article comes from one of our favorite and most reliable truth sources among the national (non-BM) media, the Epoch Times. We subscribe to both the weekly print edition which includes the daily online edition. It is very helpful in our work.

QUOTE: How Mike Johnson Became Speaker Through Prayer, Not Politics’

The unusual path of a Louisiana congressman, described as a man with no enemies,’ who suddenly became speaker of the House.

By Mark Tapscott || Updated: Oct 26, 2023

Eyebrows were raised when newly elected Speaker of the House Mike Johnson (R-La.) in his first address from the chair reminded the assembled Democratic and Republican members of the House of Representatives that the God of the Bible raised up each one of them for a purpose.

I want to tell all my colleagues here what I told the Republicans in that room last night: I don’t believe there are any coincidences in a matter like this. I believe that scripture, the Bible, is very clear that God is the one that raises up those in authority. He raised up each of you. All of us. And I believe that God has allowed and ordained each and every one of us to be here at this specific moment,” the Louisiana Republican said.

This is my belief. I believe that each one of us has a huge responsibility today to use the gifts God has given us to serve the extraordinary people of this great nation, and they deserve it.”

[Wow, praise God for this Christian leader with the boldness of Israel’s prophets of old!]

Those who know Mr. Johnson, a devout conservative Southern Baptist, however, weren’t surprised by his allusion to verses in the Bible such as Daniel 2:21 that say the Creator raises up and deposes of political leaders: He changes times and seasons; he removes kings and sets up kings; he gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding.”

A former Louisiana state representative who is now serving in his fourth term in Congress, Mr. Johnson, 51, and his wife, Kelly, have four children. Before his remarkable rise to the speakership, Mr. Johnson had served as chairman of the Republican Study Committee (RSC), which describes itself as the intellectual arsenal of conservatism in the House.”

(Official family photo from Congressman Mike Johnson’s website)

In addition, he was elected in January 2021 to a second term as vice-chairman of the House Republican Conference and he was a deputy whip under then-Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.).

Prior to his political career, …Mr. Johnson was elected president of the Christian Legal Society at LSU and subsequently became a successful constitutional law litigator.

Following the speakership decision, Kelly Shackelford, president, CEO, and chief counsel for the Plano, Texas-based First Liberty Institute (FLI), said of his former FLI litigator, Mike is a fantastic constitutional attorney and passionate advocate for religious liberty.”

Mr. Johnson also spent time as senior counsel for the Alliance Defending Freedom, which—like FLI—is a public interest law firm devoted to defending First Amendment religious freedoms.

The Man Is Not Bashful’

Asked by The Epoch Times if he was surprised by Mr. Johnson’s reference to God’s role in raising up political leaders, Family Research Council President Tony Perkins chuckled, saying: Not at all, that’s Mike. He’s not bashful.”

The Louisiana Republican’s campaign for the speakership was through prayer, not politics,” Mr. Perkins said. He has known Mr. Johnson for 25 years as a student, a state legislative colleague, and pro-family, pro-life advocate.

Something certainly seemed miraculous about Johnson’s sudden and unexpected emergence from the chaos and disruption that gripped the House Republican Conference in the wake of successive failures by Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-La.), Whip Tom Emmer (R-Minn.), and House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) to secure enough Republican votes to become Speaker.

Mr. Johnson opposed the ouster of former Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), then lined up as a loyal supporter of Mr. Scalise, Mr. Jordan, and Mr. Emmer. He was mentioned in some news reports as a dark horse contender leading up to the Oct. 23 GOP Conference meeting that featured nine aspirants.

Yet it was Rep. Byron Donalds (R-Fla.), going into that gathering, who seemed poised to move into a commanding position.

However, it was Mr. Johnson’s sincerity, as well as his substantive and reasonable responses to the tough questions aimed at all of the contenders by House Republicans, that won them over, according to a knowledgeable congressional source who was present throughout the meeting.

He consistently, and comparatively, when a lot of members were asking just an onslaught of questions—wonky, policy questions—gave substantive answers versus the other candidates, who essentially gave answers about their personality or their personal background outside of being legislators,” the source told The Epoch Times.

Johnson consistently came back to This is my track record as a legislator; let me point you to my seven-point plan; let me point you to my proposed schedule if I become speaker,’ so that was really strong.

And at the end of the day, Johnson really doesn’t have any enemies, and that’s in part due to his character and in part to his shorter time in Congress,” the source continued.

The source further noted that probably a third of his answers to the questions involved scripture references.” [Again, what boldness! It should not be unusual in the halls of government of a God-fearing nation, but that simply underscores how far we have fallen as a nation.]

But Mr. Johnson is anything but the stereotypical Bible-thumping fundamentalist. [Again, praise the Lord! Bible-thumpers have no credibility when it comes to winning the non-religious folks, and are especially irksome to the antichrists. Mr. Johnson is very wise in being meek and humble of heart.] When asked what was the key to Mr. Johnson’s win, another senior congressional source who asked not to be named described it in two words: No enemies.”

Mr. Perkins agreed: He’s a brilliant guy, very smart, passionate. You saw classic Mike Johnson on the floor today. It’s principled, but he has relationships on both sides of the aisle that are not policy or politically driven. He cares about people. People have conversations with him, he prays with his colleagues.”

In addition to his faith, Mr. Johnson is a classic Reagan conservative with a distinctly populist accent. On his official website is listed the congressman’s Seven Core Principles of Conservatism,” which include individual freedom, limited government, the rule of law, peace through strength, fiscal responsibility, free markets, and human dignity.

Of that latter principle, Mr. Johnson explains: Because all men are created equal and in the image of God, every human life has inestimable dignity and value, and every person should be measured only by the content of their character.

A just government protects life, honors marriage and family as the primary institutions of a healthy society, and embraces the vital cultural influences of religion and morality.

Public policy should always encourage education and emphasize the virtue of hard work as a pathway out of-poverty, while public assistance programs should be reserved only for those who are truly in need. In America, everyone who plays by the rules should get a fair shot. By preserving these ideals, we will maintain the goodness of America that has been the secret to our greatness.”

Confidence From Former Speaker

Former Speaker Newt Gingrich told The Epoch Times that Mr. Johnson is very conservative in his voting, he’s almost identical with Jordan, [that says a lot because Jordan is one of the best, in our opinion] but at the same time, he’s very moderate and pleasant as a person, so he’s broadly acceptable to the moderates because in their districts he doesn’t send an automatic signal of being so conservative that it makes it hard for them to get re-elected.”

Mr. Gingrich also expressed confidence about the new speaker’s ability to lead the razor-thin Republican majority of 221, versus 212 House Democrats.

At the same time, among the conservatives, there is a huge consensus that he is very reliable, very smart and deeply, personally conservative. … He’s shown an ability to calmly and quietly rise in the system without leaving any scars and without making any enemies,” Mr. Gingrich said.

The Georgia Republican is confident that the new speaker will follow through on House procedural reforms demanded by House Freedom Caucus members that Mr. McCarthy had only partially implemented, especially including restoring regular order” in how the lower chamber of Congress conducts its daily business.

Having somebody who is more comfortable decentralizing, and the degree to which he is very explicit about it is very helpful because what it does is it puts the burden on the committee chairmen rather than the Speaker,” Mr. Gingrich said. So he can say to people, Go talk to your chairman, I would love to help you and if you can convince the chairman, I’ll be glad to help you.’ That diffuses the center of energy and anxiety away from him.”

Even so, the road ahead for the new speaker will not be easy … There is also the question of what to do with President Joe Biden’s urgent supplemental” request for $105 billion in mostly military aid to Ukraine, Israel, and other U.S. allies around the world…

But the biggest and most immediate challenge facing Mr. Johnson is moving eight remaining major appropriation bills, then going into conference committee clashes with the Democrat-led Senate, in an effort to get compromise legislation on President Biden’s desk before Nov. 17.

That’s the date when government funding runs out under the Sept. 30 continuing resolution backed by Mr. McCarthy and which led to his ouster. One of the outstanding spending bills is the massive $886 billion National Defense Authorization Act, which passed the House earlier this year but which still requires a Senate conference…

Sooner or later, on a number of these things, there will be compromises. He will not be able to get all 221 Republicans, they will end up having to have some Democrats,” Mr. Gingrich said. The question then will be, will people say, Yeah, that was a reasonable process and that was the best outcome we could get at the present time,’ or will they say, He’s selling us out just like the other guys.’ That will be the key moment in defining his speakership.”

Having a speaker who starts with no enemies may prove to be the best possible outcome of the House crisis that began a few weeks ago. END QUOTE

The complete article may be behind a paywall at the Epoch Times here, but our readers can freely access the full article in this archive repository linked here.

So, with Nasty Nancy now out of the line of succession to the White House, we believe this has suddenly turned the tables on the Leftists’ agenda, and put an apparently humble and Godly man to be third in the line of succession to the Presidency! Praising God all the day long!


Up next What to expect in the next 12-15 months—The quadrillion $ threat of the Deep State fraudsters Wow! Mike Johnson is the 45th (not the 118th) Speaker of the House! Yesterday, our blog discussed the background of the new Speaker of the House and why Mr. Johnson’s elevation to the post of Speaker is a very
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