
You Are Watching a Movie!”

Before we address the titular theme, we want to share with you a report we received a couple days ago from one of our correspondents. We have edited it for brevity and for his privacy. QUOTE:

I just voted this morning. The location was not an easy find. The county has the address marked incorrectly. It’s a huge apartment complex and the polling location was on the other side of the complex.

I was wearing a shirt that said This is the government the Founders warned us about.” I inadvertently wore it today not remembering that I was going to vote on my way to work. LOL

It caused quite the conversation among the poll watchers this morning. Not sure if it was good or bad, but they were all pretty chatty about it. END QUOTE

Our correspondent also sent along the meme in this post below (in reaction to our little stunt wearing my Trump McDonalds costume at our recent dance). He also sent us the link to the strange thing that happened in a recent press gaggle held by Biden Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen.

The headline of this post was one of the frequent refrains from the Q team as they made thousands of Q posts” or Q drops” from October 2017 through December 2020.

That we are indeed watching a movie” has been apparent to us for years, but it is becoming increasingly obvious to the extent that now more and more of our formerly slumbering citizens are beginning to yawn and scratch their heads as they rub the grit out of their eyes and they wonder, Just what on earth is going on?”

Welcome to red pilled reality, neighbor! Every day now we see examples of the Dems, Lefties, and other associated collectivists, deep staters, and cabalistas doing things so stupid that we have to wonder: Are they really that stupid, or are they doing that on purpose?

The latest example is faux Joe Biden’s gaffe” when he essentially called all Trump supporters (i.e., over half the country) garbage.” It apparently caused immediate alarm with Biden’s handlers.

Clean up on aisle six. Call KJP to the press briefing room to explain there is an apostrophe in the word supporters.” Yeah, right! Not buying that for a millisecond. There are several possibilities to explain his supposed gaffe.”

#1. It was not a gaffe at all. If you look at his eyes, it seems quite clear that he is reading from a screen. That means it was scripted for him. The rest of this option is that perhaps Jill set him in place to make those comments.

Under this scenario, both Jill and Joe are extremely angry at Kamala, Pelosi, Schumer et al. for how Joe was ousted in the coup by Kamala and company. This then is revenge to sabotage her campaign. Notice that he stepped on” Kamala (media attention-wise) just as she was giving her supposed tour de force, her keynote speech on the ellipse.

From Kamala’s perspective, the ellipse address was staged to mock Trump’s January 6th (2021) address, but now Joe takes to the media via this podcast right in the middle of Kamala’s address in order to step on” her campaign. That is a reasonable explanation.

#2. Joe is so senile that he did it on his own for essentially the same reasons as #1. This is not credible, because he would still need some help to arrange a podcast.

#3. As we have suggested long ago, the man whom we are told is Joe Biden is really an actor who is following the script set out for him by either the black hats or the white hats. We tend to think it is the white hats (and of course, Jill, is an actress also).

This also explains why Joe has been seen so little ever since the 2020 campaign—because the actor needs lots of time to get his Biden mask in place and to learn his lines, at least enough to be able to navigate the fine line between being a doddering old man who walks funny and stumbles a lot, to other times being able to speak coherently for several minutes (as in the debate with Trump).

That explains why he needs so many naps” and hides in the basement,” spends lots of time at the beach, etc.

There is a great deal of evidence to back up the actor hypothesis, especially as it comports with all the legal, insider intelligence drops made by the Q team in that nearly four-year period. We shall not repeat any of it here. Well, okay, here’s a little starter for you from our post of May 3, 2023.

If that is a new concept to some of our newer readers, you should do your own homework. It’s all there from open sources on the web.

That is only the most recent example of the blunders” of the Dem team. It seems there is a new one almost daily now, but don’t expect to find them in context on the BM (Babylonian Media).

Nonetheless, we are now finding some pundits and even news” anchors on the BM (network and cable TV, and major newspapers) seeming to do stupid things. Did you notice how the LA Times, the Washington Post and USA Today have all refused to endorse Kamala? Does that undermine her campaign? You bet!

It is almost unheard of in recent decades that they would not gleefully endorse the Democrat candidate. Again, is that merely because the owners foresee Kamala is going to go down in flames and they want to distance themselves from her, just as they distanced themselves from faux Joe to take him out of the picture?

Or are they being given orders and following a script?

Or is Kamala’s lack of intelligence and stupidity becoming so exposed by the alternative media and the uncensored channels of social media (e.g., Truth Social and X) that many of the cabalistas see the handwriting on the wall and again are trying to cling what little remains of their credibility? That would be zero credibility, in our opinion. It is too late for them.

We could go on with a plethora of examples of the stupidity of the Dems, Lefties, and assorted members of the cabalista, but this all reminds us of a couple of passages in Bible prophecy which might just be happening at this time.

Obadiah 8 Shall I not in that day, saith the LORD [Yahweh], even destroy the wise men out of Edom, and understanding out of the mount of Esau?

9 And thy mighty men, O Teman, shall be dismayed, to the end that every one of the mount of Esau may be cut off by slaughter

Teman was a son of Eliphaz and grandson of Esau/Edom and is listed as one of the dukes of Edom.” They were noted for their wisdom and cunning. But the Word of God predicts a time when they will lose it; they will suddenly get stupid.” It seems we are there. Another prophet echoes Obadiah.

Jeremiah 49:7 Concerning Edom, thus saith the LORD [Yahweh] of hosts; Is wisdom no more in Teman? is counsel perished from the prudent? is their wisdom vanished?

It certainly seems so!

We have elaborated on this theme in detail in one or more of our Bible teaching lecture series, probably in Mystery Babylon and the Stone Kingdom, and/or in The Kingdom of God.

Now, remember how in the past week or so, Kamala was ranting and virtually yelling to her audience how Donald Trump was so stupid, fascist, racist, Nazi et al. or some other names which we cannot recall that he should never, never, NEVER be allowed to stand behind the Presidential Seal of the United States of America? …never, NEVER! she continued to scream.

How curious and coincidental (or Providential) that shortly thereafter came a reply out of the blue.”

It happened as faux Joe’s Treasury Secretary and former Fed Chair, Janet Yellen, was giving a press briefing. As a reporter was finishing a question about the stability of the dollar, suddenly the Seal of the Treasury Department fell off the front of the podium! Watch Yellen’s reaction.

To us this speaks of the wisdom” and cunning” of those who have been controlling our money to our great detriment and enslavement for over 110 years now via the Federal Reserve System—that their cunning schemes are failing, that their wisdom has departed.

The Fed’s money system is coming to an end. Mystery (a mystery no more) Babylon the great is falling, is falling! Revelation 18:2. Finally, we have this assurance in the last verse of Obadiah.

Obadiah 1:21 And saviours (also rendered: deliverers) shall come up on mount Zion [America] to judge the mount of Esau [the cabal, Mystery Babylon]; and the kingdom shall be the LORD’S [Yahweh’s, in the form of King Jesus].

We believe Trump and company are among those called to this task at this time. Just as God used Moses to deliver Israel, and many of the judges in the Book of Judges to likewise deliver Israel from captivity, so God is still following His Script(-ures) to deliver modern Christian Israel in this era. Amen. Come soon, King Jesus!


Up next Enjoy the Meme It has been a very busy day. I had intended to bring all of you an update of my new office situation along with the status of my home vis a vis the Update on James’ Situation vis a vis HHH The following is an edited version of my cover letter for the October-November Feed My Sheep mailing which will hopefully go to the printer
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